
Choose the language level you want to master

Група “Стандарт”
Українська школярі
Teens 2 - A2
Number of people in the group:
7-10 person
Number of classes per month:
8 lessons per month
2 times per week
Duration of the lesson:
90 min.
Duration of studies:
September - May
розмовний клуб з українцем
Testing is a mandatory condition for starting studies!
Per month
1,790 грн.
Program in details
Рівень Teens 2 - A2
Combined approach allows to master equally every aspect of the language.
At this stage the teenager:
  • dives deeper into grammar;
  • widens vocabulary up to 1500-2000 words;
  • practices conversation on any given topic;
  • logically, using correct arguments, defends their point of view.                                                                                               Game elements add up interest to the lessons.
Per month
1,790 грн.
Briefly about the program
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Ми незабаром зв’яжемось з Вами
We use Oxford University Press and Pearson literature at our classes.*
*Literature is not included into the price of education.